Gardening in California

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Eco Lawn Seed

Here is our eco lawn ten days after we tossed some seed on the ground. We had strong dry Santa Ana Winds and a week of days when the highs were in the eighties. We sprinkled the seeds daily with water. We spread a little more eco lawn seed in this sunny location. We are expected cooler weather and maybe even a little rain next week.

While we were in Massachusetts, animals dug up half of the eco lawn that we planted in the shadier location on the other side of the house. We smoothed the area out and spread more eco lawn grass seed. The half that was not damaged looks nice and is slowly growing.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Eco Lawn

We scattered eco lawn seed under a few trees in September. The seeds were fast to germinate, just like the label said. Our eco lawn is growing slowly. Eco lawn is a drought tolerant fescue that is suppose to grow well in both shade and sun. So far, the grass is growing nicely in the shade.

Today, we scattered some eco lawn seed in a sunnier location. We are waiting to see how well it grows. We are having sunny warm days this week with temperatures in the 70s and 80s. Eco lawn grows best when the temperature is about 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Santa Ana Winds

The Santa Ana Winds started blowing this morning in Southern California. These dry winds blow towards the ocean and create all sorts of problems in the garden. We usually see them in the fall or winter. Santa Ana winds topple trees, dry out plants, and blow your patio furniture all over the place.

Monday, October 06, 2008

California Fuchsia Seeds

Our California Fuschia is turning powdery white and is dropping seeds. The best time to plant the seeds is spring. The seeds should be planted outdoors in sunlight. California Fuchsia will grow in sun or part shade and is drought tolerant.